Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Health and Child Care Practitioner Essay

Keeping children healthy and safe is very important. To ensure children’s health, safety and wellbeing every home nations has sets of standards or welfare requirements which settings must meet. The standards vary from country to country, but they all exists in order to protect children. Child care practitioner need to be familiar with minimum Welfare requirements, Safeguarding children, Promoting welfare, Suitable people, Organisation, Premises, Environments, Equipment, Documentation . Section 1 –Quality of Care. Standard 1 – Safeguarding and child protection. The safeguarding of children is best promoted through: The regular review of policies and procedures, Access to approved training for all staff on safeguarding issues on a regular three-yearly basis , If all children are resting/sleeping on mats or low beds, it is acceptable that the staffing arrangements as per required ratios, do not have to be med but a minimum of two staff must remain with the group of children. It is also important in settings that providing group-based care that a member of staff have a designed responsibility for Safeguarding and child protection. Standard 4 – Health & Safety in the Setting. The section requires settings to ensure the relevant regulations and guidance are meet, registrations with their local Environmental Health Service and compliance with their guidance, reference is made to staff/child-minders being ‘’under the influence of any substance’’, this relates to alcohol or drugs, also reference is made in the Minimum Standards to valid fire-safety risk assessment , the risk assessment should be regularly reviewed and updated in line with Northern Ireland Fire Rescue Service Guidance. Facilities that have been registered for some years may hold a Fire Safety Certificate. Standard 5- Food and Drink. The social value of children eating is recognised. Whilst it is beneficial to have a separate dining room in a full day care settings, all settings are required to register with their local Environmental Health Service and comply with all guidance issued. Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate it should noted, the standards identifies the need for all setings to provide food and drinks for the four main food groups, for sessional care playgroups, creches and after school settings, it is acknowledged that they are not required to provide non-dairy sources of protein like meat, fish, eggs, beans Section 2- Quality of Staffing, Management &Leadership. Standard 11- Organisation of the Setting. In terms of addressing the requirements of this Standard, the following issues should be addressed: Staffing ratio, Absence of person in charge, Lead Time for applications for Managers in post, Existing Staff with qualifications, Existing Staff without qualifications, New staff without qualifications, Babies and toddlers, School aged children, Students in placement, Volunteers, Daily Registrations, Minimum number of staff available, Excursions school pick-ups, child-minders Mandatory Training , Arrangements for Emergencies, Child-minders with an assistant. Standard 12- Suitable Person. The term substantial access therefore does not refer to these employed to care for children in a child minding or day care setting, but anyone who has access to the children throughout the period of time in which care is provided and the register person. Vetting does not only refer to criminal record checks but includes medical references, employment and personal references and Social Services checks. Vetting will be carried out in line with the Regional Vetting Procedure. Section 3- Quality of Physical Environment. Standard 13- Equipment provided by all settings will be furniture, play equipment, must be sufficient and suitable for all ages. High chairs must have point harness, all outdoor play equipment must be safety secured in terms of safety, appropriate insurance cover must be held, it is also important that staff have access to comfortable seating which allow them to feed a bottle to or nurse an infant. . Section 4 –Ability of Monitoring and Evaluation Standard 15 Documentation. As all records, including those pertaining to children and staff, are accessible to the Trust’s Registration and Inspection staff, The reference to article 126 of the Children(NI) 1995 relates to the requirement to keep record of the name of: any child looked after on the register premises, any person who assist in looking after a child, any person who lives, or is likely at any time to be leaving , also providers should be aware that accidents may need to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive like work related, serious injuries, to staff or children , work related diseases , over three day injuries. Section 5- Policies and procedures. Trusts in their regulatory capacity, will wish to be satisfied that providers have the range of policies and procedures as outlined in this section, it is important that all policies and procedures including risk assessment are reviewed an annual basis . List of Policies as outlined in the Minimum Standards: Absence of the Manager, Accidents, Additional Needs, Complaints, Confidentiality, Consent, Data Protection, Equality, First aid, Infection prevention and control, Managing Emergences, Menu Planning, Mobile phones, Parents access to record, Participations, Provision for Food and drink , Security on the setting, Smoking. 1. 2 Explain the lines of reporting and responsibility within the work setting. When we are working with children it is important to understand the lines of reporting and responsibility. In some small settings the lines of reporting may be quite simple but, in a large setting certain member of the staff may be responsible for different areas. In my setting if in case of any accident, incident, illness or any other emergency I have to report to my teacher and then to others responsible, my setting also have Health and Safety officer, fire officer, child protection officer, safe guarding officer and a full qualified first aid for every stage. When an accident/ incident occurs at the setting we record it in our incident/ accident book which is kept in the office filing cabinet. .Some illnesses must be reported to the local health authority such like tuberculosis, mumps, meningitis. In my setting we have our emergency procedures displayed in every classroom, and the reception aria so all the staff, students or volunteers they will know where to report in case of any emergency. Legislation of Health and safety NI at work of order 1978 Employee responsibilities: Comply with health and safety policy and procedures, keep the safe working practise and use any or all safety equipment that is provided. Take care of yourself and the safety of others who may be affected by your actions. Employer responsibilities: Making the workplace safe and eliminate health risks is one of the many, providing adequate welfare facilities, ensure health and safety in work place ,provide training ,safety equipments ,understand the importance of regular risk assessment. 3. 1 Explain how to promote children’s health and well-being in a an early years work setting Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity. Health can be thought of a bit like a jigsaw puzzle as there are various components that need to come together in order to maintain good health and well-being both for children and adults. If one part is missing health is affected. Some of the components of health are : Nutrition, Health care, Hygiene, Play opportunities, Rest and sleep, Safe guarding and protection, Positive experience, Love and attention, Fresh air and lights, Diet, Physical activities, Medical care. Rest and sleep is an essential requirement for good health and development. Sleep appears to have many vital functions required to support a healthy immune system: aids the regulation of hormones and the processing of information by the brain. If a child is not sleeping enough this can have negative impact on the child health such as: Growth, Memory and learning, Illness, Behaviour and impulsivity. The sleep amount hours will vary, depends on the child age for example a child between 1-3 years may need to sleep between 12- 14 hours per day, also children in this age they need to nap in the afternoon , we have to make sure that the nap is not to long so the children can sleep during the night, another issue about sleeping is the safety , by making sure that there are no objects that my suffocate children, also the cot have to be comfortable, worm and clean , the rom temperature should be 18-21 not too cold, not too worm . Personal Hygiene is very important for everyone but especially for young children because good hygiene prevent possible infection, children need to be kept clean but also the environment they are living in, By teaching children how to wash hands correctly, how to brush their teeth or hair we can help young children understand the importance of a good hygiene. We can teach children how to maintain a god personal hygiene by playing games, through different activities such as painting or through singing/ puppet show but also through good role model. Immunisation is the use of vaccines to give immunity for a specific diseases, the vaccinations prevent children from getting ill but also some of the diseases can be contagious for other children and also for the staff . Love and attention is about children’s emotional well- being and is linked to their health. Babies and children can become depressed if they are not given sufficient attention. The attention the babies and young children will receive is from their parents but also from the childcare practitioner, this mean that children must have a key person who can establish a special relation with them so they feel loved and protected. Diet what children eat and drink has a pivotal effect on their health. The term balanced diet is often used in connection with the healthy eating. A balanced diet is one in which there are sufficient nutrients in right quantities for children and adults. The child care practitioner can promote a healthy diet by teaching children about healthy foods, the importance of healthy food. As an child care practitioner working with the early years I am in the unique position to influence the lives of the young children by promoting healthy living in the setting I work. I have to help children understand the importance of the healthy lifestyle 5. 1 Identify balanced meals and drinks for children in their early years, following current government guidance on nutritional needs. Just like adults young children need energy ( calories) from food and nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals, to make sure their bodies work properly and can repair themselves. At this age children grow very quickly and are usually very active, so they need plenty of calories and nutrients. A healthy and varied diet should provide all nutrients the child need. A well balanced diet is who will have: Milk and dairy foods, meat, fish, beans, and lentils , bread and other cereals such as rice , pasta , potatoes, breakfast cereals, fruit and vegetables, fruit juices and water.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Attorney Client Privelege Essay

The attorney-client privilege, which dates back to the reign of Elizabeth I, was originally based on the concept that an attorney should not be required to testify against the client and, thereby, violate a duty of loyalty owed to the client. At that time, it was the lawyer who held the privilege. Today, the privilege is held by the client; while it may be asserted by the lawyer on behalf of the client, only the client can waive the privilege. Silverman, 1997) Although Silverman states that only the client can waive the privilege; he forgot to mention that if a client discloses to his attorney that he plans on committing a crime that would harm someone else, the attorney is then obligated to report it to the authorities. If a client is discussing a matter with their attorney in a public place and someone over hears it; that can be used in court. Only conversations between the attorney-client in private are considered privileged information. The attorney-client privilege is important to our criminal justice system for the simple fact that a client would be more apt to tell the truth to their attorney. When the attorney does not have all of the facts at hand; they may not be able to represent the client appropriately. If a client knew the information they were disclosing to their attorney wasn’t in confidence; they may not tell the attorney what they need to know. Our Constitution protects us from wrongful imprisonment and the US Supreme court upholds the very old legal concept. If there wasn’t attorney-client privilege then the defense would not need to fight for their client in court, thus making it easier for the prosecution to not have to properly present their case. This could result in innocent people going to prison being stripped of their liberty. One of the major concerns facing attorney-client privilege is e-discovery. With the prevalence of electronic communication, preserving client confidentiality during document production is more challenging than ever. An attorney must track and find all the information that is pertinent to their case. This includes investigating possible electronic information. If the attorney does not have the same information that the prosecution may have; it can damper the case. Electronic information is not included under attorney-client privilege. Therefore, the client should privilege the attorney with any information that may be available to the prosecution through e-discovery.

Impact in Bangladesh’s Economy After the Budget of Export Import

Assignment On Impact in Bangladesh’s economy after the Budget of Export Import on Food and Garments Course Name: Financial Management Course Code: Bus-302 Section- 01 Submitted To Sumaiya Zaman Lecturer & Co- Ordinator ULAB School of Business Submitted By Tamim Hossain Turjo Id. 092011100 Md. Masud Rana Id. 092011084 Sony Saha Id. 092011090 Mst. Tazmina Afrin Nipu Id. 092011096 Atiker Nesa Chowdhury Id. 093011101 University of Liberal Arts BangladeshDate Of Submission: 18-08-2011 INTRODUCTION The national budget of FY2011-12 has been announced at the midpoint of the present government’s five years occupancy, spoiled by challenges to maintain the balances and the achievement of the targets for which it was voted to power. The current situation of macroeconomic balances, particularly triggered by instability of prices and contractionary financial policies, may be further pressurized by the possibility of fiscal compress.These developments of maintaining the balances may p ut the government on the edge of achieving the target of growth, recovery from lethargic improvement in poverty improvement and the reversing the rising trend of inequality. The investment scenario is yet to take the desired path, particularly being underpinned by high interest rate, low FDI inflow, acute power crisis, poor governance, and political instability. The inflationary pressure has been mounting at a rising rate mostly through food inflation in the country.Furthermore, higher trade deficit and the stagnated remittance inflow are putting pressure on the balance of payment situation. The financial space squeeze has emerged by growing burden of financial support requirements especially to the power and energy sector driven by the government to finance the private generators and the global fuel price hike. The limitation of fiscal space might make it difficult for the government to seek remedy to refreshment required for revamping the economy.In addition to that, IMF’s loan with unsuitable conditionality might create severe pressure on the overall macroeconomic strength as well as attaining the targeted growth path. The government might face extraordinary challenges to reach the growth target as quoted in the budget document of FY2011-12 due to the lack of supporting base in the overall economy of Bangladesh. The fiscal space squeeze and IMFs conditions for accessing one billion dollar loan to Bangladesh might also cover the way for increasing different types of inequality; such as – geographical inequality, income inequality and social inequality in the country.Moreover, macroeconomic correlates will be further stressed due to the mounting public debt. The cost of public debt has turned out to be a major concern attributing to the rise in interest rate and a depreciating exchange rate. The government is facing difficulty in debt financing caused by the squeezing of financial space. It is necessary to mention here that if debt financing is to be met by borrowing from the central bank, it would create inflationary pressure; on the other hand, if it is met by borrowing from the commercial banks, there is a possibility of crowding out the private investment.Therefore, debt financing and its management is a critical issue for the present government that needs to be dealt skillfully. In the budget of FY2011-12, the government’s financial strategy should have emphasized the need for maintaining the overall macroeconomic stability as well as fiscal sustainability. Moreover, the government ought to boost the investment through infrastructural development in order to achieve the targeted growth as well as to eradicate poverty and inequality. Budget of 2009-2010 1. Slow down in export growth with some sectors in negative territory: The export growth during July-March period in 2009-2010 stood at 14. percent which was 12. 4 percent during the corresponding period of the year 2008. During this period, RMG sector registered a growth of 19. 9 percent of which the share of woven garments was 18. 4 percent and that of knitwear 21. 4 percent. Frozen foods on the other hand registered negative growth. 2. Export growth may decline to 12 percent: It is in this context that the export growth will moderate in the last quarter of year 2009-2010. As a result, there is a downward projection of export growth to 12 percent in the year 2009-2010. This was 15. 9 percent in the previous year. 3.Decline in import growth projected: About 80 percent of Bangladesh’s imports constitute essential commodities, a large part of which are raw and intermediate materials for industrial production. In the first nine months of the year 2009-2010, import growth registered a decline to 12. 4 percent from 23. 9 percent during the corresponding period of the year 2009-2010. This is attributable to the sudden fall of fuel price and the prices of other commodities. 4. Zero-rate tax will continue for major food items and fertilizer s: We have no alternatives to increasing agricultural production to attain food autarky.Our government has declared agriculture as the top priority sector. Proposal of continue with the zero tariff on imports of fertilizer, seeds and major food grains along with medicine and raw cotton. Proposal to withdraw VAT on the imports of raw materials to produce pesticides to keep pesticides easily available for farmers. To offer protection to the local dairy industry, propose to impose 5% regulatory duty in addition to 12% customs duty on milk powder imported in bulk. 5. Import of milk based food preparations (HS Code 1901. 90. 10) in bulk is subject to 20% supplementary duty.As there is no difference in duty structure between locally packed products and products packed outside, the local packaging industries are affected. Propose to withdraw 20% supplementary duty on the import of this item in bulk. Budget Of 2010-2011 1. Export: While export of commodities and services had shrunk by 20. 4 percent globally due to economic downturn in 2009, Bangladesh managed to achieve a 10. 3 percent growth in export. This is obviously a commendable achievement for Bangladesh. . Due to the global recession, export earnings have increased by only 1 percent during July- April of FY2009-10.It is to be noted that export earnings are on the rise since March 2010 and in April this has increased by 19 percent. Optimistic that this trend will continue in the remaining months of current financial year as well as in the coming fiscal year. 2. Import: Due to recession, prices of commodities in global market as well as volume of imports have declined. While imports shrank by 12 percent in the developed countries and by 8. 4 percent in the emerging and developing economies, import growth of Bangladesh stood at 4. 1 percent in 2008-09.In the first ten months i. e. up to April of FY2009-10, import expenditure has increased by 0. 8 percent compared to the corresponding period of the previous financ ial year. Import has, however, increased by 24. 9 percent on the basis of L/Cs opened during July-April period. The good news is that the import of capital machineries and raw materials has increased by 54 percent and 12. 5 percent respectively on the basis of L/C opened during this period which will have a positive impact on the economy in the near future. 3.With a view to keeping the prices within the reach of the general people. Propose to maintain the 0 percent customs duty rate on commodities like rice, wheat, onion, pulse. Considering the sudden exorbitant increase in the world price of milk powder. propose to reduce import duty from 12 percent to 5 percent and withdraw 5 percent regulatory duty on milk powder. 4. The specific rate of duty on raw sugar was withdrawn last year in response to the sudden price hike of sugar at the world market. However, due to a good crop this year, its world price has gone down.Therefore, to ensure higher revenue collection to meet government's developmental needs, propose to impose specific rate of duty on raw sugar and refined sugar at the rate of Tk. 2,000 and Tk. 4,000 per metric ton respectively. Budget Of 2011-2012 Indicators| Unit/Growth Rate| 2009-10(Real)| 2010-11(July-April)| 2010-11(Provisional)| 2011-12(Projected)| Export| Billion US$Growth (%)| 16. 2(4. 1)| 18. 2(40. 9)| 22. 4(38. 0)| 25. 7(14. 5)| Import| Billion US$Growth (%)| 23. 7(5. 5)| 27. 5(41. 4)| 31. 0(45. 0)| 35. 4(14. 0)| 1. Export: With the rebound in global trade, Bangladesh's export is growing increasingly.During the July-April period of FY 2010-11, our export stood at US$ 18. 2 billion which is 40. 9 percent higher over the same period of the last fiscal. Efforts are underway to explore new markets and diversify exportable commodities. It is expected that export will exceed US$22. 4 billion in the current fiscal and this trend will continue in the next fiscal year as well. 2. Import Global imports of goods and services have also bounced back fro m the negative growth in the aftermath of the recession In FY 009-10, our import payments posted a growth of 5. percent. During the July-April period of the current fiscal, import picked up and grew by 41. 4 percent Around 80 percent of our imports are essential industrial commodities On the basis of Letter of Credit settlement, over the July April period of the current fiscal, imports of capital machinery and industrial raw materials recorded a growth of 43. 1 and 49. 8 percent respectively Growth of imports of capital machinery and industrial raw materials reflects the robustness in investment and the momentum created in our economy. 3.In order to keep the price of commodities within the reach of the people, I propose to maintain zero rate of import duty on rice, pulse, wheat, sugar, edible oil, onion, fertilizer, seeds, life saving medicine and cotton. Comparison Between Budget 2009-2010 to 2010-2011 1. Export: We see in FY 2009-2010export growth stood 14. 5% . It is better than the year 2008. In 2009-2010 FY RMG sector registered 19. 9%. But Frozen Foods is in Negative Growth. In the FY 2010-2011 export growth is increased by 19% from March to November and it can be running for rest of this FY.So we can say that In FY 2010-2011 Bangladesh manage to increase their Export growth. It can be give an impact in our GDP. 2. Import: In 2009-2010 FY Import growth decline 12. 4% from 23. 4% in the first 9 month because of sudden fall of fuel price and other commodities. In FY 2009-2010 0% rate on import tax for major food grains and 0% rate on import tax for raw and refined Sugar because of high price of sugar. 12% custom duty on milk powder and 5% regulatory duty on milk powder. In FY 2009-2010 20% supplementary duty is withdraw for milk based food preparations.In FY 2010-2011 it remains 0% tax for food grains like rice, pulse etc. In this year govt. are agree to decrease the tax 12% to 5% in milk powder and withdraw the 5% regulatory duty on milk powder. Because o f the low price of sugar this year Govt. Includes 2000 tk tax for per metric ton raw sugar and 4000 tk tax for per metric ton refined sugar. Comparison Between Budget 2010-2011 to 2011-2012 1. Export: In the FY 2010-2011 export growth is increased by 19% from March to November and it can be running for rest of this FY. In FY 2010-2011 Bangladesh manage to increase their Export growth from the year 2009-2010.In FY 2011-2012 Govt. targeted to gain 14. 5% export growth but that is declining. It is expected that export will exceed US$22. 4 billion in the current fiscal and this trend will continue in the next fiscal year as well. 2. Import:- In FY 2010-2011 it remains 0% tax for food grains like rice, pulse etc. In this year govt. are agree to decrease the tax 12% to 5% in milk powder and withdraw the 5% regulatory duty on milk powder. Because of the low price of sugar this year Govt. Includes 2000 tk tax for per metric ton raw sugar and 4000 tk tax for per metric ton refined sugar.In t his FY 2011-2012 Govt. claim that they will picked up the import growth 41. 4% percent overall. 0% tax rate is in food grains. Tax on sugar is proposed to decreased by 0%. Impact on Our Economy Chart: GDP growth rate from 2009 to 2011 In the budget of 2011-12, the government has targeted 7 percent GDP growth rate. It took two decades for Bangladesh to achieve 6 percent GDP growth rate from 4 percent. Now the government aims to achieve another 2 percent growth rate within five years without any major changes in policy which seems to be improbable considering the previous growth path.Although Bangladesh is in an advantageous position in relation to world average growth and the growth of emerging and developing economies, it is lagging slightly behind in comparison to the Developing Asian economies. The real GDP growth in FY 2009-10 has been finally computed to be 6. 1 percent but it can be increase in that year if we export more of our frozen foods. According to the provisional estima te, in FY 2010-11, a real GDP growth of 6. 7 percent has been achieved. Considering the prospects and potential risks in the context of global and domestic economic perspectives, real GDP growth target for FY 2011-12 at 7 percent.GDP growth increase does not mean that absolutely our financial sector is good. Bank deposit rate is decreasing day by day because of high price of commodities. We import so many food items from outside of the country. RMG product export is always creating positive impact in our economy. It decreases our unemployment problem. It holds major part of our GDP. In RMG sector inflow is more than outflow but in food sector it totally reversed. Recommendation : GDP growth of any country is blessing for that country. Our Budget is always dreamy to fulfill. No govt. can fulfill their Oath. In our Country every people in govt. re corrupted. But our Finance Minister Mr. Abul Mal Abdul Muhit set an Expectation For GDP to 7%. Hope this Govt. can achieve it. Our countryà ¢â‚¬â„¢s food market is stuck by 4 or 5 people who make syndicate and our food price is increasing. Recently for this sugar price is increasing so high. So we can say we have to stop the syndicate to flexible our market. In RMG sector, the overall situation is good without employee’s satisfaction. So we need to develop employee’s satisfaction which will automatically increase production and export. Conclusion: The budget of FY 2011-2012 is very dreamy.Our finance minister is very dream loving person. He propose 1635. 89 billion taka’s budget but we cannot afford this budget. In the FY 2010-2011 our finance minister give a budget of 1321. 7 billion takas budget. We want the correct budget for our country for which we can improve our country’s economic condition. We have to change by ourselves. We have to inspired by other country who are developing day by day. We have to improve our export and import sector. Because this sector is mostly responsible for in crease our GDP. References 1. Mof. gov. bd 2. www. unnayan. org 3. Books of Budget Published By NBR

Monday, July 29, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 26

Annotated Bibliography Example Granić, A., & ĆukuÃ… ¡ić, M. (2011). Usability Testing and Expert Inspections Complemented by Educational Evaluation: A Case Study of an e-Learning Platform. Retrieved from The article mentioned in above is an effective example of the study that has been conducted by using usability testing. It can be noted that the usage of the testing has been done for the purpose of analysis of educational programs. In particular, the application has been done in the context of Europe. The methodology that has been appointed by the authors in the research article is basically quantitative in nature. Credibility: The research mentioned in above is highly credible because the authors have presented pre-testing as well as the pro-evaluation to justify their stances and hypothesis. In this way, the readers will be able to read a thoroughly credited work. Granić, A., & ĆukuÃ… ¡ić, M. (2011). Usability Testing and Expert Inspections Complemented by Educational Evaluation: A Case Study of an e-Learning Platform. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Strategic Management business organization Essay

Strategic Management business organization - Essay Example It is highly important that the company designs and executes a specific strategy, as it will be the master plan with which it will pattern all its strategic moves and actions. Lack of a specific strategy is a "surefire ticket for organizational drift, competitive mediocrity, internal wheel-spinning and lackluster results (Thomson 2002)." Second, Thomson argues that business entities need to devise and implement strategies, as the efforts of all the functional areas in the company should be molded into a "coordinated, compatible whole." A comprehensive strategy takes all the business units into account making each action mutually supportive. Without a well-laid out strategic plan, there will be no basis for uniting the efforts of all the functional areas, no clear direction on the business decisions and plans that the business takes, and no conscious business model for profit generation. Kotler has argued that business entities are currently operating on hypercompetitive environment which is characterized by more stringent competition and higher buyer leverage. In this kind of situation, strategic management becomes more instrumental in the success and even mere survival of company. This report argues that strategic management directly and strongly affects the performance of an organisation. By organizational performance we refer to the ability of an organization to use its resources efficiently and to produce outputs that are consistent with its goals. This in order for an organisation to measure its performance, it must first establish a set of goals and objectives that it wants to achieve to use as benchmark with its actual performance. Setting the company's direction will enable managers know where the company is heading as well as the strategies to be employed in order to for the company to achieve what it wants to become. Consequently, organisational performance is often dependent on how well the company handling its strategic management. By employing the tools devised for strategic management, a company is able to gain significant information about its external and internal environment, enabling it to tailor a strategy to align its strengths with opportunities. Formulating the right strategy will enable the company to enhance its organizational performance. Strategic management is therefore one of the most crucial areas in management. Coming up with a specific strategy, which will be the basis of company's actions, processes and decisions is a must. A well-crafted strategy is indispensable to the company's performance and long-term success. It is therefore important that a business entity comes up with a unique strategy tailored for the achievement of its goals and objectives. Devising a purposeful and efficient strategy is a tedious task and managers should be armed with different techniques in diagnosing the company in order to prescribe the "right" strategy. The next section will look at the different models which are employed to aid managers in this strategy making process. PESTEL stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Answer questions about two cases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Answer questions about two cases - Essay Example Negligence defines breach of care by a party to another, leading to harm. The plaintiff must prove different elements in order to win a case on negligence. One of the elements, forming the first criterion to tort of negligence is existence of duty of care. Duty of care is pervasive and involves moral perspective to effects of one’s act, of omission or commission, unless a justification exists for the act. Every person therefore owes people in his or her environment a duty of care for acts that he may commit or omit and the ability to foresee is the key determinant. The case of Commissioners of Customs and Excise v. Barclays Bank plc [2006] UKHL 28, [2006] 3 WLR 1 explains this. In the case, Lord Hoffmann noted that foreseebility is sufficient for physical injury, though not for financial loss (Maclntyre 329). The case of Donoghue v. Stevenson also explains the extent of definition of duty of care. In the case, the plaintiff had consumed a beer that her friend bought before rea lizing remains of a snail in the beer. She suffered shock and stomachache and the courts held that a person owes others a duty of care to other people for harm that can be foreseen (Sagar, Mead and Bampton 2009, p. 16- 18). The criteria that must be satisfied for successful claim in tort of negligence also include proof of breach of the duty of care. The defendant must have failed in the responsibility to ensure safety of the plaintiff and the circumstance must be such that the injury could not be suffered had the defendant ensured the duty of care. It must also be such that no explanation can be offered for the event into the harm. In addition, the defendant must have had authority over the event into the harm but failed to ensure proper control. Another condition that the criterion must satisfy is existence of a loss due to the negligent act. Loses such as physical injury and associated financial loses must be identified and must be incident to the suffered harm. While the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Corporate Governance & Ethics Course Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate Governance & Ethics Course - Case Study Example This obsession made Bernie encourage managers to push a rise in revenue realization of the company; the manager gave less consideration to whether capital investments would overshadow the short-term returns from the projects of the company. As business operations deteriorated in the 1st quarter of the year 2000, the company’s revenue also declined thus affecting the already set E/R ratio. CFO Sullivan applied the following accounting tactics to achieve the desired performance of the organization: 2. Expense capitalization: Sullivan formulated an excellent getaway plan where he began identifying current expenditures of surplus network capacity as longterm expenditure rather than current expenses. Earnings management is approaches applied by the manager of a particular organization to intentionally alter the company's earnings so that the end result matches a pre-determined objective against the reality. This exercise is conceded out for the resolution of income smoothing. Instead of having a prolonged period of high earnings which may later be followed by a poor performance of the company the management may choose to try to keep the figures relatively stable by adding and removing cash from reserves. This will show how, over a certain period, the company has performed. Abusive or fraudulent reporting is considered by the S&EC to be "a substantial and deliberate distortion of financial results". In the event of income smoothing becoming extreme, the Securities & Exchange Commission may issue fines against the organization. The internal audit department was supervised by Cynthia Copper; the internal audit department was expected to report directly to Sullivan. Struggles by Cooper to obtain more information concerning WorldCom’s capital expenditure and accruals were with no success. Andersen’s the external auditor was offered restricted access to the bookkeeping records.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

E-mail Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

E-mail Communication - Essay Example The e-mail content should be brief and concise and should address the subject content. The subject message should also be able to inform recipients of what the e-mail is about. It is recommended to indicate the response that receiver should take and senders should state their contact details to allow receivers to respond with ease. For formal e-mails, it is good to make a habit of using spell checkers before hitting the 'send' button and double-checking the e-mails are being sent to the correct recipient. When sending attachments, it is good to inform recipients when the file size is very large as this takes up a lot of space and may cause other e-mails to bounce back or result in errors in sending. Files should also be sent in a format that the recipient is able to open. Users must refrain from mass forwarding e-mails because chances are, these will be filtered and end up in the junk folder. Spam e-mails can also flood the recipient's inbox unnecessarily.

Intelligent Design is it Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intelligent Design is it Science - Essay Example To support his view, he has used example of the law of physics, with relevance to radio signals. Dembski states that radio signals take diverse form as a contingent form, extensive and multifaceted. To further supports the theory of Specified complexity, he states that intelligence leaves behind a mark or a trail, which makes up a design community, hence it describes the nature of specified complexity. An event is considered to be specified complexity if the element in it, can’t be explained by probability, which is the amount of expectation of occurrence of the unpredictable event. Meaning, an individual never expects an event to occur, because of its unusual and unware nature and the individual’s inability to explain that event is intelligence (Dembski, 712). Dembski believes that intelligent design should be taught in school as natural and scientific phenomena, but teachers face problem of fate and beliefs while teaching the intelligent design theory. The core of the problem is, the explanation of intelligent design theory to students, how intelligent design is science and not a religion. He further states that intelligent design should be taught in biology classes, to high school students. Keeping in view that the method of conversion does not account for specified structure, which is compound in nature, in biology. Although educators should act passively while teaching intelligent theory as one tends to comply to his own perceptions with the design theory (Dembski, 715).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strategic Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Strategic Planning - Essay Example This creates a need for the capital projects to be well analysed and all details to be well understood to be able to evaluate the effects on the overall value of the firm. As seen in the definition, the capital projects help develop and increase the fixed assets of a company. This in turn helps the company earn higher levels of profits. The assets when fully utilised can be helpful in improving the overall productivity and output of the firm as well (Constantini, 2006). The main aim or objective of any capital project that is undertaken by a firm is to help the company’s assets to either be renewed or even to help replace the assets, to allow better performance and output. The affects of the capital decisions and investments have a two fold affect. Firstly they affect the operations of the firm. Secondly they have a great impact on the share prices of the firm as well. The decisions made have a strong impact and can make the stock prices rise or fall to a great extent. Hence the capital projects require to be very carefully considered and implemented as the affects of this can lead to very high profits while an error in this can be catastrophic for the company as well. It is also essential that the plans and investments that are made are in line with the strategic plans of the firms. For a business to invest in a capital project, it is essential to consider the project as a new business start up and the work on this very carefully as it involves, increasing the capacity of the firm, operations scales and also the investments on assets. As explained earlier, the capital projects lead to an increase in the fixed assets of the firm, which in turn has an impact on the scale of operations which thereby leads to increased operating profits for the firm. This complete process has an affect on the overall value of the firm. Hence this proves that the capital projects have a very

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ranking of the Top 10 Undergraduate Programs in Hospitality Research Paper

Ranking of the Top 10 Undergraduate Programs in Hospitality - Research Paper Example Hospitality management is also a comprehensive area of interest that focuses on teaching the students about the management, administration, supervision, marketing, advertising, promotion, and operations of hotels, resorts, restaurants, and travel administration that take account of the cuisine and nourishment, accommodations and tourism facilities for the people. The administration and surveillance of the hospitality management is very confronting as it includes all the actions, movements, endeavor, avocation, and entertainment of the guests from the occasion of their arrival into the hotel, restaurant, or theatre until they depart (Clarke &  Chen, 2007). The management has to prove them complaisant and malleable in an adequate amount so that they are able to fulfill the needs and requirements of their guests in a gratifying and pleasing manner. These courses of study enhances the students’ interpersonal, verbal and non-verbal communication abilities and people skills so tha t the students can develop, improve and enhance their leadership and managerial capabilities and teamwork strategies.  Hospitality management program also develop and augment the entrepreneurial skills of the students that escalates them in their careers and their confidence to do something on own.  There are numerous universities and schools present in todays time throughout the world and especially in the United States region that offer the undergraduate and graduate level programs of hospitality management but the world ranking schools are few that has distinguished and distinct themselves on their exclusive and inimitable standards (Clarke &  Chen, 2007). 1. Cornell University School for Hotel Administration Amongst the world’s top universities/schools that provide the education with majors in Hospitality Management is ‘Cornell University School for Hotel Administration’ (Cornell Univeristy, 2011). This hotel management school plays a distinctive role f rom others due to the reason that it provides the capable, endowed, and predetermined students with a wide range of expert educators, professors, trainers, and researchers with ultra modern and high-tech environment for the knowledge and education. In addition, they provide the students with a sturdy structure of set of business courses that is crucial and vital for hospitality management, as the business management is the cornerstone of it (Corgel & Sturman & Verma, 2011). Image: (Cornell, 2011) Furthermore, the university offers the students to get learning in one of the best and comfortable classrooms, labs, auditoriums and lecture halls and many more where the practical implementations are also a key part of the learning. The prime focus of the university is to develop, anticipate, and furnish their qualities and skills so that they get a leading edge over others in their areas of interests. Associations, group effort, alliance with other students are also the highlighting featu res that the university accentuates.  The official website of â€Å"the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration† (Cornell University, 2011) provides a comprehensive detail of the university program, features, and other details (Corgel & Sturman & Verma, 2011). 2. University of Nevada – Las Vegas ‘University of Nevada at Las Vegas’

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ku Klux Klans Effect on America Essay Example for Free

Ku Klux Klans Effect on America Essay The first Klan had first started around the year of 1860s. The first klan had lead up to the effects of the 1920s. The KKK had a tumultious start, and it had a major effect on America in the 1920s. The first klan began in Tennessee, by six Confederate Army Officers, in the winter of 1865. Ku klux Klan rose about four million and spread from the South into the Midwest region and Northern states and even into Canada. The name of the Ku Klux Klan is â€Å"derived from the Grrek word kyklos, meaning circle† (Wikimedia Foundation). ‘Klan was added for the purpose of alliteration† (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan†). The infamous burning-cross icon became a symbol of the KKK in the 1920’s, which was one of many tactics used for intimidation. Perhaps the most distinguishing characteristic of Klan members were the white robes they wore along with cone shaped hats that covered their faces. These costumes accomplished their goal of making them look more outlandish and terrifying, and for the intimidation of their victims (Smith). The Klan was pretty selective in accepting members, only WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) could become members. These members possessed the ideology of white supremacy to all other races and ethnic divisions, similar to the concept of Neo-Nazism, however they claim to have based their beliefs on Christian values and nativism. It is often thought that the KKK only hated African-Americans, but many other groups acquired hatred from the Klan, such as Jews, Catholics , homosexuals and various immigrant groups. Anti-Defamination League). Even though the stock started to gain their stocks and shares didnt stop the Great Depression from happening (Kelly). Many people wonder why any group of people would posses such a hatred Dubbs 3 for certain groups of people. While there is no legitimate justification, one factor contributing to their hate was the rapid economic progression in the North, and the stagnant economy of the South. This may have been what angered the white southerners so much that they put blame onto the black population, along with leftover racial disputes from the times of slavery (Trueman). People of today also wonder how society could permit such destruction of life, and also support it. Back then, the Klan had many sources of income including membership fees, funds acquired from various events and sales of Klan propaganda, as well as free will donations. â€Å"This income made the Klan’s many forms of media and strategy possible, such as mass mailings, pamphlets and public events and protests. They also did community service projects such as ‘adopt a highway’ programs to make themselves look good in the eyes of their communities† (Anti-Defamanation League). The members of the Ku Klux Klan did everything in their power to prevent the black community from exercising their newly acquired rights, which was often done during massive events. During a typical KKK event, they dressed in robes symbolizing their rank, then went on nighttime raids, during which they would whip and murder blacks and any of their supporters (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan†). These events, unfortunately, were extremely effective. This lack of a political presence is what allowed the Klan to exist for such a long period of time. KKK existed from the initial founding until around 1870, â€Å"when congress passed the KKK act which allowed authorities to end such activities by force and penalize anyone who affiliated with terrorist organizations† (â€Å"Ku Klux Klan†). At this time, blacks were the only targets of the KKK, for the most part.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Thoreaus Where Lived And What Lived For Philosophy Essay

Thoreaus Where Lived And What Lived For Philosophy Essay Take a moment and think for a few seconds, what you have done for your typical day. The majority of us would says, we normally rush through our typical daily tasks, or what not, trying to get those accomplished one by one, as much as we could, in a given time. Tasks may differ in each person of different ages, positions, classes or even lifestyles. But those things give us one common thing, a nature of what we called, the chaotic . Then, at the end of the day, we are exhausted with stress from chaos and routines of the day. Very often, we dont have time, or perhaps with lack of willingness, to spend time with our love ones and do things we are passionate about. In the essay Where I lived and what I lived for, Henry David Thoreaus [1817-1862] expression appeals me of the importance and value of living the simple life nature affords, that I believe, it is as necessary now as it was back in his time. I support Thoreaus philosophy and idea of living a simpler life, where one can enjoy ea ch and every activity, where one is content rather than rushing to finish his or her daily chaos. I found Thoreaus writing style is complex and hard to understand throughout in that essay. It has at least 3 to 4 commas in each sentence, which makes me harder to follow all the way though. It seems like Thoreau put his sentences with as much information and words as he could till, as if, they were overflowing from the page. But after a few times repeat reading that, I think I was able to take hold of the basic argument he is trying to make. I discovered Thoreaus Where I lived and what I lived for made a very compelling argument for his going to live in the woods. Many examples have supported his beliefs in that essay. The essay opens with Thoreau seemly stating his purpose for moving to a cabin on Walden Pond. He is claiming the woods to be a supercilious place to live close to life. Throughout his essay, he simplified life to as small possible form as he could. I consent with his argument about simplifying life and cut off those are not essential and the routines that we having in our daily life. Thoreau moves to the woods so as to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and the fact that he wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, (Natural acts 33). Perhaps, even in this recession period, some point every year isolate ourselves and relieve from all the stress we have been carried throughout the year and make our life simpler surrounded by nature. But it might only works for those w ho make the time and have the time, for others, they might not be able to dream about it. His respect to the nature and desire of living simplicity as nature is almost religious and glorify God and enjoy him forever (Natural acts 33). Although disagreed as to whether the world as made by God or the devil, Thoreau has uncertainty about it, he wants to live his life as intensely as possible. Let us spend one day as deliberately as Natureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Thoreaus interpretation toward nature is with admiration, adoration and value (33). But it is only the way he sees the nature, not everyone could agree with him, not even the writers who compose about the nature could. Joyce Carol Oatess [b. 1938] expression, in her essay Against Nature(Natural Acts 42), toward the nature the subject is there only by the grace of the authors language makes suggests that we do not need to rely on our senses but we only rely on language for our understanding of our surroundings (45). If on all sides of her was random, wayward, nameless motion, she would not even know herself that: We all are the product of the Mother Nature. Meaninglessness cannot produce the meaning itself. Her belief that Nature is mouth, or may be a single mouth ignores the privileges of birth and the existence of the death (46). The two authors has the same vision on that, Thoreau also state that when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. None the less, I found that they both have a deep philosophical concern about the meaning of life in their essays. Thoreau is pretty much correct in the sense that he makes us out to be robotic go about our day in a tedious way. Mostly, we all have our own routines that we have been followed through big part of our life that we hate to change. Throughout the reading on his essay, the only one thing I dont completely understand was about the train, sleepers and people that line the track, or buried under the track if some have the pleasure of riding on a rail, others have the misfortune to be ridden upon. My best knowledge to understand that is, at the time period he was written this(1854), he means the people who were wealthy enough to ride on the new trains on the new tracks that are traveling all over the country, and the people who cant afford it, had to build the rail tracks for their living. But I dont know the relationship between this and the simplifying our lives, so maybe I still dont understand what he is trying to say. In conclusion, the description of Thoreaus search for eternal truth is perhaps his finest poetry. Life means not just a physical functioning but also eternal fulfillment inside. Where I lived and what I lived for portray nature as the simple way of life. Henry David Thoreau has a main goal, to reverse the blindness of humanity to nature. People day to day strive for obtaining the most wealth, the most foods, the most of everything. Many of us found that, as we grew older, it is not essentially more money or the fame, or the power that make our lives happier. Oftentimes it is the simple things we can do in our lives that lead to achieve the great happiness in life.

Design A 1 Bit Serial Adder Computer Science Essay

Design A 1 Bit Serial Adder Computer Science Essay The main aim of this project is to design a 1-bit serial adder, simulate its functionality and obtain a layout on silicon, using the 0.35 µ process from AMS. The circuit designed shows a working serial adder clocking at (100MHz of nsecs) with a delay of 0.56910nsec. The area of the layout is 99.3016.35  µm2 in this technology. The circuit performs an 8-bit addition in 0.569108 nsesc. The circuit uses a standard 1-bit full adder and it has a feedback loop using a D-flip-flop in order to transmit the carry bit to the next input value. The final layout product has 3-input pads and 2-output pads, with power and ground pads. The process known as serial addition of binary numbers is well known in the computing and units capable of performing such serial binary addition ordinarily comprise a basic portion of more complex computation devices. In the past, such serial adders for binary numbers have employed vacuum tube circuitry for the most part and have accordingly been subject to the disadvantages that they are relatively in large size, fragile in configuration and are subject to operating failures. These factors raise serious questions of disposition of components and problems of maintenance. The present invention serves to obviate the foregoing difficulties and in essence provides a serial adder structure capable of performing full addition of binary numbers. It is accordingly an object of the present invention to provide an improved serial adder for use in computing applications. An object of the present invention resides in the provision of an improved serial adder for binary digital applications employing magnetic amplifiers as components thereof. Another object of the present invention is the provision of the serial adder for binary numbers which adders can be made in relatively smaller sizes. A still further object of the present invention resides in the provision of a computation device comprising, in combination, a plurality of magnetic amplifiers and a plurality of gating devices so interconnected with one another that the mathematical process known as a serial bit addition. The binary adder of the present invention includes provision for selective coupling the input train pulses to be added as well as carry pulses produced by the device itself to the plurality of gates, and the gates are adapted by themselves to selectively pass signal pulses required for the operation or inhibition of the plurality of magnetic amplifiers mentioned above. In digital s ystems, digital signal processing and control systems we can control it when we are able to count. Addition is the fundamental operation for all these systems. The fastness and accuracy are highly influenced by the adders we are use for the circuit design. Adders are very important components in the digital components because of their extensive use in digital operations such as multiplication, subtraction and division. The execution of binary operations inside a circuit would be greatly advanced by improving the performance of the digital adders. The main aim of designing the bit serial adder is to Perform one bit at a time, using the first bit operation results to influence the processing of subsequent bits. It reduces the amount of hardware required as it passes all the bits in the same logic. However this approach needs 1/nth part of hardware when compared to the n-bit parallel adders. As we are using 1-bit instead of n-bits its structure reduces the signal routing and performs at high speed as we are using 1bit register for the temporary storage and one full adder rather than an n-bit adder. The reduction in the price of the logic results in taking n clock cycles to execute this serial hardware, whereas parallel hardware executes in one clock cycle. This bit structure deals with the bit stream hence this have been successfully used in many applications like digital systems, digital signal processing, control systems etc. It was extremely popular in 2-5u technology range. The performance of a digital circuit block is gauged by analysing its power dissipation, layout area and its operating speed. The main aim of this project is to design a 1-bit serial adder. Through this project research we get the knowledge of working behaviour and performance of the 1-bit serial adder. Adders are the basic components for the designing of any digital circuit. Adders are very important components in the digital components because of their extensive use in digital operations such as multiplication, subtraction and division. The execution of binary operations inside a circuit would be greatly advanced by improving the performance of the digital adders. The main aim of designing the bit serial adder is to perform one bit at a time, using the first bit operation results to influence the processing of subsequent bits. Here in this case the one bit serial adder is designed by using a flip-flop and full adder. . This circuit has two stages full adder stage for the addition of two bits that are entered serially and second stage is flip-flop stage which temporarily stores the carry until the next stage is processed. The temporary storage of the carry in the flip-flop depends on the clock pulse. Its design principle shows how the two inputs entered serially. These two inputs will be added by the full adder along with the carry which was temporarily stored by the flip-flop and gives us the sum output and carry output. The normal 1-bit serial adder uses the XOR gates from the available core library. But in this XOR gate there is an OR gate which usually reduces the performance of the XOR gate. Hence the circuit has been modified by designing the XOR gate by using the NAND gates. What we would like to do now is find the easy way to use the sub tractor along with the serial adder circuit. By using this sub tractor we can subtract the lower bit value from higher value. This binary sub tractor has been added to one of the input which we are thinking to subtract the value. In our serial adder circuit the sub tractor is attached to the one of the inputs Y which is usually a XOR gate. This results in the subtraction of Y value from higher bit values. BACKGROUND 2.1 Addition: Addition is a process of adding bits. Binary addition means adding binary bits 0s and 1s and sum and carry generated in binary farm in any signal processing. Now lets consider the 4-bit addition example, As shown above A and B bits added giving Sum out by rippling the carry at each stage and C4 as final carry obtained. 2.2 Subtraction: Subtraction is a process of adding a positive bit to the negative bit. Negative of a bit means 2s compliment of it. This is nothing but adding 1 bit to LSB of its 1s compliment. 1s compliment is nothing but reversing the logic of the bits. Now lets consider the 4-bit subtraction example, The above subtraction technique dedicated to the subtracting a smaller binary from a larger binary. If it changes it just followed by few more steps as change sign bit (MSB) to zero, then change it to its 2s compliment as before process. Metal-Oxide-Silicon Field-Effect transistors (Mosfets) NMOS Transistor Here is a diagram of nmos transistor The source and drain are connected to the two blobs of n-type semiconductor material. The gate is on top, separated (and electrically insulated) from the rest of the transistor by a thin layer of silicon dioxide (same material as sand doesnt conduct at all). The source and drain are separated by p-type material. This forms two diodes pointed in opposite directions (when you have n-type next to p-type material, you get a diode), so no current can flow between the source and drain. When a high voltage (higher than the voltage level of the source, which is defined as the lower voltage of the two end terminals) is applied to the gate, it puts a positive charge on the gate. This attracts a negative charge in the region underneath the gate (opposite charges attract), forming a channel of negative charge carriers or an n-channel between the source and drain, which allows current to flow. So the nMOS transistor conducts when the gate is raised to the high voltage level, which we consider to be the logic level for 1 (true). PMOS TRANSISTOR The pMOS transistor is the dual of the nMOS transistor. You can look at the same diagram, but swap every n and p, and every + and -. Now, when the voltage at the gate is lower than the source (the higher voltage of the two end terminals for a pMOS transistor), we end up with a negative charge on the gate, which induces a positive channel underneath the gate, which allows current to flow. So the pMOS transistor conducts when the gate voltage is low, which we consider to be the logic level for 0 (false). The full names of what is being described are enhancement mode n-channel or p-channel metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFET). Enhancement mode refers to the fact that we have to create the channel by applying voltage to the gate. (There are also depletion mode transistors that have a channel built in to start with.) Field effect refers to the fact that were using the electric field from the charge at the gate to control things. Metal-oxide semiconductor refers to the fact that were using an oxide to insulate the gate from the rest of the transistor. The two types of transistors are named for the channel: nMOS has an n-channel; pMOS has a p-channel. Cmos There are many ways to make logic gates (not to be confused with the gate of the transistor) out of transistors. What Im showing here is the dominant way that gates are done in digital electronics today, but there are many variations out there. This is called static CMOS logic. Static refers to the fact that there are not clocks involved. CMOS stands for complementary metal-oxide semiconductor. The complementary means we have both nMOS and pMOS transistors. The intuition behind this design style is simple. First, you dont want to have nMOS and pMOS transistors mixed up close to each other, because they need to be created on different types of substrate. So the natural style is to have a bunch of nMOS transistors together that pull the output one way for certain input values, and a bunch of pMOS transistors together that pull the output the other direction for the other input values. It turns out to work better to have the nMOS transistors pull down toward logic 0 and the pMOS transistors pull up toward logic 1. This is both for electrical reasons (nMOS conducts 0 better; pMOS conducts 1 better) and also to make it easy to get inverting gates. The following diagram showing how to make an inverter (a NOT gate): Such that we developed CMOS Technology by combination of Pull-up network of PMOS Transistors and Pull-down network of NMOS Transistors. All the CMOS gates are constructed using as shown below. CMOS Constructed by, PMOS transistors in Pull-up network stage and NMOS transistors in Pull-down network stage. OUTPUT going 1->0   The Pull-down NMOS transistors discharges the output capacitance. OUTPUT going 0->1 The output capacitance is charged through Pull-up PMOS transistors. MOSFETs transition states in CMOS Transistor: CMOS logic is better logic than PMOS and NMOS implementations individually. Because PMOS transistors are great at transmitting a logic 0 to1 voltage without signal loss, NMOS transistors are great at transmitting a logic 1 to 0 voltage. 4.2 NAND GATE: Constructed by, As shown below PMOS transistors in parallel and NMOS transistors in series. OUTPUT going 1->0    The series NMOS transistors discharges the output capacitance. OUTPUT going 0->1 The output capacitance is charged through parallel PMOS transistors. Circuit diagram of NAND Gate: Logic symbol of NAND Gate: Truth table of NAND Gate: A B OUTPUT 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 4.3 NOR GATE: Constructed by, As shown NMOS transistors in parallel and PMOS transistors in series. OUTPUT going 1->0 The parallel NMOS transistors discharges the output capacitance. OUTPUT going 0->1 The output capacitance is charged through series PMOS transistors. Circuit diagram of NOR Gate: Logic symbol of NOR Gate: Truth table of NOR Gate: XOR GATE: XOR is also called Exclusive OR gate or EOR gate. This is a digital logic gate, which is used to express the function of Exclusive Disjunction. Its behavior is similar to or gate with exclusive condition. Usually it is a 2-1 input output IC respectively. An output HIGH (1) will be resulted if one, and only one of its 2 inputs is HIGH (1). Result of output LOW (0) both the inputs should be same either low or high. We can say EX-OR gate as One or another, but not both. XOR gate is used to develop a binary addition. It gives the sum for given input bits. As shown above xor of 2 bits A and B gives its sum. A xor B = A.B + A.B Circuit diagram of xor gate: BASIC ADDER UNIT Addition of two binary numbers is the most basic arithmetic operation i.e. two bits. A combinational circuit which can add only two bits is known as half adder. A full adder is one that adds more than two bits i.e. three bits. Full adder uses two adders in its implementation. In this study full adder is the basic addition employed in all adders. HALF ADDER Half is a basic adder circuit that can perform addition of two bits and gives the output of sum and carry. Half adder circuit uses an Exclusive-OR and AND gates for sum and carry outputs. XOR gate gives the sum output and carry output is given by the AND gate. X and Y are inputs S is sum and C0 is carry. S = X.Y + X.Y = X Ġ¦ Y C = X.YIts schematic representation is as shown in the figure. The truth table of half adder is as shown below. X Y SUM C0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 K-MAPPING of half adder circuit is given as shown below. Sum, S = X Ġ¦ Y Carry, C0 = X.Y FULL-ADDER Full adder can be formed by combining two half-adder circuits followed by the OR gate. It can perform the addition of three bits along with the carry input given as output from the previous one. The difference between half adder and full adder is that half adder cannot count more than two bits and cannot add the carry input which will be possible in full adder circuit. In this circuit, sum output is given by the XOR gate and the carry output is given by the AND gate followed by the OR gate. The block diagram of full adder circuit is as shown below. FULLADDER Sum S = X Ġ¦ Y Ġ¦ CI = (X Ġ¦ Y) Ġ¦ CI Carry C0 = (X .Y) + (X Ġ¦ Y).CI As shown in the above figure X, Y and CI are the adder inputs. The truth table of the above circuit is as shown below. X Y CI SUM C0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 By using K-mapping we will get SUM and CARRY as follows Sum S, Carry c0, D FLIP FLOP D- Flip flop is used in many applications. RS flip flop is the fundamental building block for the D- flip flop. It has only one data input. That is connected to the input S of RS flip flop where as D is inversely connected to the R input.. D- Flip flop is also having second input for holding the data which is known as Enable, simply represented as EN. The enable input is AND-ed with the D- Flip flop. D- Flip flop holds the data according to the clock pulse. It is constructed by using AND gates and NOR gates as shown in the below figure. D and EN are the inputs and Q and Q are outputs. The block diagram of the D-flip flop is as shown below. D- Flip flop acts as temporary data storage in the 1- bit serial adder. Its storage capacity depends on the number of stages. The storage capacity of the D- flip flop in this serial adder is the total number bits (0 and 1) of digital data it can retain. Its truth table is a shown below. D EN Q QN 0 Falling edge 0 X 0 Rising edge 0 1 1 Falling edge Qprev X 1 Rising edge 1 0 . The wave forms are attached in the results. CHAPTER 2 SERIAL ADDER The process known as serial addition of binary numbers is well known in the digital and units capable of performing such serial binary addition ordinarily comprise a basic portion of more complex computation devices. In the past, such serial adders for binary numbers have employed vacuum tube circuitry for the most part and have accordingly been subject to the disadvantages that they are relatively in large size, fragile in configuration and are subject to operating failures. These factors raise serious questions of disposition of components and problems of maintenance. The present invention serves to obviate the foregoing difficulties and in essence provides a serial adder structure capable of performing full addition of binary numbers. It is accordingly an object of the present invention to provide an improved serial adder for use in digital systems. The main aim of designing the bit serial adder is to perform one bit at a time, using the first bit operation results to influence the processing of subsequent bits. Here in this case the one bit serial adder is designed by using a D-flip flop and full adder. . This circuit has two stages full adder stage for the addition of two bits that are entered serially and second stage is D-flip flop stage which temporarily stores the carry until the next stage is processed. The temporary storage of the carry in the D-flip flop depends on the clock pulse. Its design principle shows how the two inputs entered serially. These two inputs will be added by the full adder along with the carry which was temporarily stored by the flip-flop and gives us the sum output and carry output. This is a practical serial adder that is used to add a stream of two bits addition. First it takes the Least Significant Bits (LSB) in addition. Its block diagram is as shown in the figure. As shown in the above figure the inputs Xi and Yi are serially entered into the full adder along with the temporary carry from the D-flip flop i.e. Ci and gives the carry output Ci+1 and sum output Si. Hence serial adder is simple and because of feedback looping bit delays are expected. It can be constructed with very low cost and it is the perfect adder at low speed operations. Si = Ci Ġ¦ Yi Ġ¦ Xi Ci + 1 = Yi . Ci + Xi . Ci + Xi . Yi = Ci . (Xi Ġ¦ Yi) + Xi . Yi The above equations represent the Sum and Carry outputs using Boolean equations. The construction of 1-bit serial adder is as shown in the figure. As shown in the figure the inputs X and Y are serially entered through the full adder along with the carry input which was the feedback output of full adder. In this circuit, sum output is given by the XOR gate and the carry output is given by the AND gate followed by the OR gate. D- Flip flop used in this circuit acts as a temporary storage of carry. TRUTH TABLE X Y C00 S CO 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 This entire design process and simulation can be done by using the mentor graphics version 2005 software. Chapter 3 Nand gate design of serial adder: 4.4 NAND gate is BETTER THAN NOR. As PMOS in parallel and NMOS in series the resultant transition delay at NAND gate is lesser than delay of NOR gate architecture. To make PMOS as fast as NMOS we need enlarge channel and P-regions, but that leads to large silicon layout, and more cost and power wastage. So At same speed NOR is always larger than NAND. So it makes NAND more efficient than NOR. W/L ratio of NAND gate is smaller than NOR gate. If inputs for gates are more then, NAND will be very faster than NOR. So we use sop implementation rather than pos. XOR GATE USING NAND GATES In PMOS holes flow very slowly when compared to the electrons in the NMOS technology. Hence NMOS is faster than PMOS transistor. In NOR gate PMOS transistors are connected in series and in NAND gate PMOS transistors are connected in parallel hence NAND gate is faster than the NOR gate. Now considering another case to make this one bit serial adder little bit faster compared to the normal one bit serial adder the XOR gate is constructed by using the NAND gates which works faster than the normal XOR gate. The reason for constructing this XOR gate is that in the core library we are using to design the entire circuit XOR gate internally contains an OR gate which usually reduces the performance of XOR gate. Its circuit diagram is as follows. X Y OUT 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0Its truth table is as shown below. D- Flip Flop using nand gates: D Flip-Flop is the most popular Flip-Flop. As its output takes the value of data ( D ) input when the positive edge of clock pulse. D Flip-flop can be interpreted as a primitive memory cell. D Flip-flops are basically used as Shift registers. As a D Flip-flop can produce a output signal with a time period delay of given clock pulse for an input signal i.e., one bit shifted right to the input given signal. The principle of D flip-flop is it captures the signal at the moment the clock goes high, and subsequent changes of the data lines do not influence Q until the rise of next clock edge. thus it works as a edge triggering mode at clock signal rising. D Flip-flop is constructed using NAND gates as shown above, where D and CLOCK are the inputs and Q and QN are the out puts. X Y C00 S CO 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 CHAPTER 3 SUBSTRACTOR Up to now we have seen how simple logic gates perform binary addition. It is only logical to assume that the same circuit can also perform the binary subtraction. If we look at the possibilities involved in subtracting one bit number from another, we can quickly see that three of the four possible combinations are easy and straight forward. The fourth one involves a bit more. 0 0 = 0 1 0 = 1 1 1 = 0 0 1 = 1, with a borrow bit. That borrow bit is just like a borrow in decimal subtraction: it subtracts from the next higher order of magnitude in the overall number. The truth table of this sub tractor circuit looks like as shown below. This is an interesting result. The difference, X-Y, is still an exclusive-OR function, just as the sum for addition. The borrow is still an AND function, but is XY instead of XY. Adder/Subtractor logic developed using NAND gate (lower from higher): Addition is adding positive two bits. Subtraction is nothing but an addition where we add one positive bit to another negative bit. That means the second bit will be the positive number with negative polarity. We can convert positive binary to negative binary by its 2s compliment. 2s compliment is nothing but adding 1 bit to the LSB side of 1s compliment. 1s compliment is in any binary code if we swap bits by 1 bit with 0 bit and 0 bit with 1 bit. That is flip the binary code image. 1s compliment can be generated using XOR logic. when we give one pin of XOR gate dedicated to positive as logic 1, and other pin connected to the input binary bit, then output of EXOR will be swapped by 1s with 0s and 0s with 1s. At the same time other advantage is if the dedicated input pin is given logic, then out put will be same as input binary code. Such that in that whole circuit by changing selective pin as 0 logic it works as adder and by changing selective pin as 1 logic it works as subtractors 1s compliment input. Let we consider A + B it is a simple addition, For A B = A + (- B) = A + (B 1s compliment + 1) = A + B 1s compliment + 1 As shown above to find A B we give the full adder inputs as a to A, b to B 1s compliment and finally c in as positive logic 1. Thus adding 2 bits of A And B in this way we get A- B. Above developed subtractor circuit subtracts lower value bit from higher value bit so in 0-1 condition its not valid. ADDER TRUTH TABLE WHEN EN =0 EN X Y C00 S CO 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 SUBSTRACTOR TRUTH TABLE WHEN EN =1 EN X Y C00 S CO 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 X X 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 IMPLEMENTATION The entire process of designing and layout of the 1-bit serial adder circuit is done by using the mentor graphics version 2005. The required logic gates and flip flop has been taken from the core library. Once taking all the required components from the core library wiring has been done again using the core library. One wiring has been done the sheet has been saved and done the schematic check. Once the schematic check has been done successfully then the view point has been created. Once view point has been done successfully the circuit has been run for simulation. After having done the simulation successfully the output waveforms has been checked. This output waveforms results the working of the entire circuit design. Once we got the outputs exactly what we are looking for we then go for layout design. This layout design is also done by using the core library which is known as silicon layout. After finishing the layout we will check the overflow of the IC which we will get at the en d of the process. Conclusion: In the project of One Bit Serial Adder we obtained the knowledge about the functionality of adders and developed a fast adder using NAND gate Logic. We even obtain the knowledge about CMOS technology and functionality of IC Gates. As we developed using NAND gate logic implementation the architecture of IC will be much faster and efficient. From the obtained results of Serial adder waveforms and IC design by comparing the theoretical and practical values are verified each other. Such that I can conclude the developed ICs are well functioning in any application era with a delay of 0.5921ns. Finally I concluded that a 1-bit Serial adder is developed in Conventional, NAND gate architecture and Adder/Subtractor architectures IC design and layout of IC design obtained and verified without errors. Functional and Electric Characteristics studied similar to CMOS technology as they developed.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Effectiveness of Sanctions Essay -- Diplomacy

Throughout the past century the world has seen two world wars, several dozen border conflicts, and civil uprisings with the eventual ousting of a leader. These conflicts are usually outside of media attention so all of the lives lost, corrupt leadership, and downright dishonesty is never revealed to the international public. Physical violence has always been the direct means to solving most of these conflicts but with a cost. Both side usually lost hundreds and sometimes thousands of lives and in the end there was never a plan in place to ensure these problems never occurred again. Following the completion of the Cold War sanctions have been reestablished to ensure a government or country can be held accountable without having to use lethal measures. If there was a way to cut off import and exporting of resources to the corrupt government it would force them to comply with international laws without having to use military actions. In the past sanctions have been placed on count ries that have defied basic human needs, committed atrocious crimes against neighboring countries, or posed a threat so great to others (use of weapons of mass destruction) that the United Nations stepped in to protect those who could not protect themselves. Sanctions are put into place in the hopes of causing hardship for any country’s government and to ensure complete compliance has been established before these sanctions are lifted. Although these measures are not supposed to create a hardship to the main populous, over time they usually occur. History has shown us that over a short time period sometimes these restrictions work, but do they actually create an atmosphere in these countries to ensure these situations or crimes never happen again? ... ...? The Moral and Political Issue. By David Cartwright, October 1995: (accessed 18 March 2012). 2. Q&A: Syria sanctions, 27 November 2011, BBC Mobile News Middle East: (accessed 18 March 2012). 3. Kimberly Ann Elliott, Institute for International Economics, "Evidence on the Costs and Benefits of Economic Sanctions," Statement before the Subcommittee on Trade of the House Ways and Means Committee, October 23, 1997. The text of her statement can be found at 4. 14 UN Press Release SG/SM/7360, echoing Lloyd Axworthy, ‘Forward’ in David Cortright and George A. Lopez, The Sanctions Decade: Assessing UN Strategies in the 1990s (A Project of the International Peace Academy; Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2000)

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Speeches of Martin Luther King and Cesar Chavez :: Communication Leadership

Both of the speeches, Martin Luther King's and Cesar Chavez', are powerful peices and communicate one vision: equality. King and Chavez have two very different styles of writing but the message from both is simmilar. for example both king and chavez discuss how their people are discriminated against because of their skin color, and how their people have neither the right to vote in the the south, nor the will to vote in the north , and in Chavez' situation, to have their vote counted. however similar their message's may be, their writing styles are different. Chavez talks about statistics, about why and how his people are treated. king held that the atrocitys commited against his people were self evident and as such did not need to be proved to anyone. kings message was meant to encompass the entire Uninted States while Chavez' was directed primarily at California. Throught the history of the uninted states it has been plagued with racism and prejudice. M.L.K and C.C were the two most outspoken opponents to the injustice that they saw on a daily basis. mlk said that it was "time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood". both ceasar and martin recognized a need for change and were brave enough to seek change. indeed in 1968 Dr. King sent a message to Chavez which said "Our separate struggles are really one. A struggle for freedom, for dignity, and for humanity." These mens cause was one and the same. these men were intamently connected, in fact chavez said that they were "Dr. King's disciples". you could no more have chavez without king than you could have ghandi without the imperialism. both men felt that their people were being robbed of there dignity. cesar chavez said that the most important thing to him was the "recognition of workers' dignity". "We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating "For Whites Only"." was how mlk stated their dissatisfaction with the inequality. Even though their message was incredibly similar, their writing style was vastly different. for example, Chavez talked in a especially concrete sense. he gave specific examples and statistics to support his opinion wihle mlk spoke on a very idealistic level with no real support in his speech. this difference might be because of there different backgrounds.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Article Critique Genetically Modified Food Essay

The article by Amin, Jahi and Nor was conducted in Malaysia to find out the stakeholders attitude to genetically modified foods and medicine (1). In particular, the investigators were interested to know the attitude towards GM insulin/medicine, GM palm oil and GM soybean. They designed the study as a survey with 1017 respondents. They found that the Malaysian stakeholders are cautious about the genetically modified foods. They agreed that genetically modified foods have perceived benefits but at the same time they were concerned about the moral aspects and risks associated with the GM Foods. A closer analysis revealed difference stakeholders attitudes towards GM foods. Title The title â€Å"stakeholders attitude to genetically modified foods and medicine† was precise and clearly thought out. Readers are well informed of what to expect as they engage with the study findings. However, the title missed on the study area. A good title must inform readers where the study is conducted. Abstract The researchers adopted non structure abstract. They were able to point out the background leading to the study, the purpose of survey, research approaches they used trough the study and the findings. With regard to this they managed to give a brief overview of the research Jones 2 and further letting readers know what their study entailed and what they found out. A structured abstract would have been more desirable as it enlists each of the study sections. However, depending with the journal requirements and authors’ interests they preferred non structured abstract to one that is structured. Purpose of the Study The investigators clearly pointed out the aim of the study. They assessed and compared the attitudes of the Malaysian stakeholders living in the Klang Valley towards genetically modified insulin, palm oil and soybeans. This was influenced by the findings from the other studies. For instance, other studies revealed that the advancement in technology led to increased production of GM Foods. In addition, they found that biotechnology is one of the five major technologies that are planned to speed industrialization in Malaysia. However, owing to the divisive debate on genetically modified foods, the researchers saw the need for this study. Therefore, it has clear cut intent of telling where Malaysians attitudes leans and what measures should be put in place to better their attitude. Research Approaches The investigators adopted a well defined research approach. They designed the study as a survey which was conducted from June, 2004 to February, 2005. The sample size was 107 respondents above 18 years. They were selected through stratification sampling which enabled the generalization of the findings and minimized biased that could result from sample selection. In addition, they collected the data through administering questionnaire and ensured that reliability and validity of the study are all accounted for. However, the researchers did not tell the readers how they met the ethical principles, especially principles of ethics of beneficence and Jones 3 justice. They didn’t point out whether they consulted any ethical institution or whether they sought consent before recruiting the respondents. Results The study findings were consistent with the objective. The findings centered on six dimensions of the stakeholders attitudes including moral concerns, perceived benefits, familiarity, encouragement, risk acceptance and perceived risks. From the findings it was clear that majority of the stakeholders were not familiar with the three GM products. It was more surprising when the findings indicated that biology students were more familiar with the GM palm oil and GM soybeans than religious scholars. The findings further established that stakeholders are moderately concerned with the moral aspects of the GM products, moderately perceive the products as risky and moderately perceive the GM products as beneficial. All the same they encouraged the use of the three products, with most stakeholders supportive of GM palm oil. These findings were consistent with the other studies. For instance, in China, study by Zhang et al. (19) indicated that consumers were not familiar with GM products yet domestic consumption of GM soybeans was about 18% of the interviewees that were consuming soybeans. In addition, the findings were consistent with earlier studies by ISAAA-UIUC (14-15) which found that Asians accept GM foods but at the same acknowledge the risks they pose to health. Based on these consistencies, the study met the rigor of trustworthiness, applicability and reliability. The conclusions were drawn from the study. The investigators concluded that the Malaysian stakeholders’ attitude on GM products was cautious. Indeed, this is in tandem with the findings that the stakeholders moderately perceive the GM products as both beneficial and Jones 4 detrimental to health. In addition the implications of the study were reported in the conclusion. They noted that the biotechnologists should assess the moral aspects, risks and benefits of the GM foods and thereafter engage the public on acceptance of the products before considering commercialization of the products. However, the researcher failed to point out the limitations of the study as well as the areas that need further research. Work Cited Amin, Latifah; Jahi, Jamaluddin and Nor Abd. â€Å"Stakeholders attitude to GM foods and medicine. The Scientific World Journal. 2013. Jones 5 International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) and University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC), â€Å"The social and cultural dimensions of agricultural biotechnology in Southeast Asia: public understanding, perceptions, and attitudes towards biotechnology in Phillipines†. ISAAA. Publications. Zhang, Xi; Huang, Jin; Qiu, Ha and Huang, Zheng. â€Å"A consumer segmentation study with regards to genetically modified food in urban China†. Food Policy. 35:5. 2010.

The warehouse group pest analysis: strategic management Essay

The warehouse group pest analysisThe outside environment can be sorted into different environmental segments, the Political/ statutory segment, economical, socio-cultural and technological segments, otherwise know as PEST. (hanson et al) technologicalTechnological advances learn as well impacted the industry such as the use of self- halt machines. The introduction of self suffice has changed the daily interactions for customers making transactions a good deal faster and easier as well as more accurate (nz herald ref). fit to NCR, which is the fritter formr of 99% of all in all checkout machines in NZ, work is creation do on ATM technology which willing allow transactions to be do through smartphones. (nz herald ref). This will hopefully give The store Group opportunities for an amplify in gross sales, as a aircraft carrier of smartphones this innovation makes way for apps to be created and use for store information and discounts that can be transferred directly fro m customers mobile phones. Socio-culturalThe socio-cultural environment consists of pluralitys attitudes and values (hanson et al ref), this outwardness therefore can effect all other segments of the environment. The store Group was late influenced by the union-led New Zealand Living rent campaign, which was focused on the need for a higher minimum wage in the country in order to light the income gap between the rich and poor. (nbr name ref). With information about this issue the play along researched the amount of income required to maintain a household and then measured it against their employees even off rates after consideration they harbour changed the amount they will be paying(a) to certain employees and will soon have a minimum wage of $18.50 to $20 for experienced staff members. (nbr ref). This will hopefully create more stability for The Warehouse Groups employees. Political-legalThe political-legal environment is the airfield of laws and regulations that organis ations compete in for attention and resources, (Hansen et al). attainable new legislations introduced by the government may affect all suppliers of goods and services in NZ, the new law will make it a breach for consumer supply standardized form gouges to contain unfair contract terms(ref) that instigate a admit it or leave it relationship between suppliers and buyers. This will give suppliers more causality and could impede companies such as The Warehouse Group from gaining access to cheaper supplies, The Warehouse is known for its low prices and discounted products so this may example a decrease in sales revenue if low prices are non continuous.EconomicAccording to Hansen et al the economic environment is the economy in which a firm competes or wishes to compete in. During the ball-shaped recession the sell industry suffered staring(a) threats, most companies were forced to make woo cuts in order to make a profit, but with The Warehouse already being a discount store, additional address cuts put a strain on the companys performance. (ref). Market conditions today still remain tough and ambition continues to increase however the long dogged effects of the recession have been primeval driving forces for the Warehouse Group to take actions such as the acquisition if noel leeming, to run its services as a retail brand and increase profit margins.Tech http// word.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10834173Political- http// http// http// http//

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

He Who Sleeps On My Lap

The pillow slip in this poetry is the perplexity of the homosexual goofs e gesture to his staminate fri terminate. This is or so a homosexual jest at who has desires for his humanity deal promoter provided is defiant to reveal his emotions for mis vainglorious of reprehension and lampoon from his shoplifters, family and community. The theatrical roles fingerings atomic number 18 at war with him self.He is leaveing to take the jeopardize of his lifetime to be able to stage his friend the depth of his odors scarce but again, he is dismayed of the conchronological successions that forget move into nigh with the revelation penetrative all-embracing come up that his friend doesnt penury to entertain early(a) sexual possibilities and is to a fault in revel with somebody else, and a girl at that. In the concluding analysis, his fear won over his love. We rally the persona unable to conquer his dilemma.Knowing the wit of his friend regarding sexual rela tionships, that the except crystallize thing is that amid a earth and a adult female, he al aimy faux that a relationship with him will neer be assertable, that his woolgather will neer get in true. As what weve understood, the persona is a homosexual man who hides his legitimate self from the society. At first, the t unmatched is argumentative beca character we nab the persona trying to betoken the big cat that thither atomic number 18 other possibilities for a relationship, non safe amidst a man and a charwoman. This will be support by the byplay He says he is a man and a man necessarily a woman and I disagree.We argue until he grows timeworn of dialogueing and sleeps on my lot on this parky night. The metrical com office too shows a t maven of mourning beca engage of a trance that will never come true. It is in addition wistful for what could be and this will be supported by the termination I am here slaughtering whiz wicked propensity that when he wakes up I shall be his dream. From that inventory itself, it shows that the persona authentically harbours the thought that his love could be tumblen back in return. But then again, he is afraid to show his real faces chouseing that the guy is in love with somebody else.So, he will content himself with just organism friends and therefore chairing his emotions. As we go by reckons of the verse form, we opine some articulates that we do not just take at literal value but enterm for a copiouser meaning of the intelligence agency/ language. The news sleep in the rime implies a coterminousd mind not besides ready to explore other affirmable sexual relationships. It is identical when you be asleep, you do not cognize what is loss on around you and it is in a vogue showing that you are not entertain ideas that are contrary to yours. And so because you do not neediness to belabour the issue, you end the argument by going to sleep.It shadow be construed as a m ansion of weakness because you will not induct out and discuss the issue. You dont want anything to be changed so ignoring is the stem that youd preferably undertake. By the use of the word slaughtering, the persona shows real bo hygienicess desire towards his male friend because he could do utilize simpler terminology much(prenominal) as ending. Instead, he utilise a very harsh word such as slaughtering which is truly very brutal. The terminology sleeps gently on my moisten imply that the guy has total confide on the persona. Their friendship is too deep and they are very comfortable with one another.So, we will turn in that the guy does not know that the persona is a homosexual. Or, should we say, that he would rather forget it and act as if nothing happened. He is already clever with their relationship and he doesnt want to change anything so he refuses to let loose about it more(prenominal) which is why he would rather sleep than discuss the issue. As for our opinion, we net really say that he chose the right rowing, words that rear end continue us to look deeper, words that lav show vivid pictures of what is really going on and how he is really feeling.We assume that the pur pile happened in the personas house at night plausibly in the porch. This will be supported by the words on this chilli pepper night. We nooky likewise picture a cold wind blowing. That is why the scene could not have taken station inside the house, otherwise they would not feel the chill. The mood in this rime is a love that is doomed. The persona loves his male friend but he is unable to really express it due to their contrasted beliefs. His male friend believes that a man needs a woman and he believes otherwise. He argues with his friend but to no facilitate so we fire say that it is a love that is doomed.It is a love that can never be due to conflicting beliefs and overly because of the personas fear that if he will reveal his real self, he migh t not be accepted by the society and he could lose the friendship he deep treasures. So, he is trying his very best to kill his emotions knowing that it will only cause him more pain if he will not stop it. in the first place we start to determine the measuring stick of the metrical composition He who sleeps on my launder, let us first clarify what is cadence so that it wont be hard for us to identify what is the chant of the poem. Cadence is a lilting term or escape of leads in language.It is where the struggle changes its motion. It may be a poem, a story or a patch of music. It is the way a persons joint changes by rising or falling while he or she is speaking. There is a rhythmic sequence of lumberings or articulatios. For example, a soft and placid voice gives the poem an evaluation of being lonely or gloominess. Moreover it also gives the poem emotions and feelings. It gives the poem the feel of having the mavin of excitement, sadness, sorrow, grief, and jo y. In the poem He who sleeps on my biff, the rhythmic sequence is sadness and sorrow. There is a subdued motion of speaking.The voice is falling gently because of the personas feeling of lone business enterprise of productsss. Evidences that prove the poems sensational timber of sadness and fear of being alone are the words My friend who sleeps on my figure out loves someone else which tells us that the persona is feeling down and sad, and the words that I am here slaughtering one wicked wish that when he wakes up I shall be his dream which gives the sensation of fear of admitting his feelings to the person. The slow motion of the personas voice here gives it the sense of emotion and sadness. just about every word in the poem put forwardes our heart.We feel his heart join. We feel his aloneness knowing that he bears a problem that he cannot share with anybody due to fear of condemnation and we pity him for the burden that he is carrying. arduous bends are unremarkably clas sified as harmoniousness or vowel upright rhyme. consonant rhyme is a pleasing combination of sounds sounds in apprehension with tone. It is the repeating of consonants indoors cardinal or more words in sequence. It is oft confuse with alliteration, which is a type of consonance. Consonance in poetry serves many confusable functions as alliteration as well as its own special functions.Generally speaking, consonance in poetry provides change auditory range. A stream of consonance serves the purpose of drawing the reference into the words. Consonance in poetry can take on an almost hypnotic beat that captivates the audience without being as obvious as alliteration. Using different types of consonance within a poem also prevents it from expect like a childs rhyme, unlike a poetic device such as alliteration. Consonance and assonance give a bounce to the poem. The ingeminate consonant is always on the tonic syllable, which creates an even more emphasized sound on the con sonant words.When mixed with other words within the phrase that has consonance, ones voice naturally rises and dips, creating a bouncing sound. This sound naturally excites the ears and the brain. It gives the audience alertness and excitement. It will also help the audience to cogitate and avoid boredom. vowel rhyme, on the other ex angle, is a rhetorical device frequently used in poetry to add a deeper sense of meaning to the resource therein. It is usually defined as the repetition of vowel sounds within words or syllables. For example, the words wait and stay demonstrate assonance with each other because they both contain the same interior vowel sound.The use of repeated vowel sounds within words and syllables is said to appeal to the ear of the reviewer and establish the writers artistic authority. Assonance is often launch in poetry, where it mainly helps the verse flow more silently. It is not generally considered an element of poetic form or structure. Instead, it i s more often thought of as an extra poetic flourish. The use of assonance in poetry is generally considered to give the poet more creative leeway, and it can dispense with the poet to create an illusion of structure in poetry, which does not typically follow poetic conventions such as form or structure.In the poem He who sleeps in my circumference, consonance are unremarkably ordinate with s form. Some end in s and when you hear the tone or the voice of the poem, s letters are commonly tack together. For example the words sleeps, loves, someone, else, says, is, needs, disagree, grows, sleeps, sigh, loves, someone, else, still, sleeps, innocent, slaughtering, wish, wakes, and shall in the poem had more s sounds which gives it the quality of sadness and sorrow. It gives the audience attention and also for the audience to stay tuned in the poem. Assonance in the poem are found in the form of o, a, and e sound.O sounds like someone, knowing, loves, on, on, of, argue, grows, woman, on, on, knowing, innocent, and slaughtering. A sounds like lot, Loves, someone, a man, and, a, man, a, and, disagree, and, lap, sigh, but, lap, not, that, am, one, up, that, shall, And, I, I, tired, until, and night. sluice though most of them were not spelled as a, they still have this quality of sound holding the a tone. E sounds like friend, sleep, else, He, says, he, is, needs, we, he, sleeps, this, chili pepper, he, else, still, sleeps, gently, here, wicked, wish, when, he, wakes, bed, dream, and his.All of these words might not have sameities in the spelling but still have a, o, and e sounds similar to our senses of hear. They all give the sense and flow of softness and smoothness in the poem. It gave the poem a quality of vowel sounds giving the poem a dense and smooth flow. tomography is an important tool in poetry. When you hear the term imagery, you might depend of ocular images. Imagery, however, can and should involve at least one of the five senses sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste.Visual imagery includes the senses of sight, sound for auditory imagery, smell for olfactive imagery, touch for tactile imagery, and taste for gustative imagery. Good poetry is generally teeming in imagery. The lecturer can cipher actually seeing or hearing or touching the things described. Imagery shows rather than tells, which is important in good poetry. Imagery is often used in a poem to evoke emotions in the reader. A poem which describes a dark convulse and oppressive, heavy air gives us a sense of foreboding. A poem about a braided rug on a polished floor, the color of erotic love and a crackling fire gives us a cozy, homey kind of feeling.Every poem has imagery. It is the characteristic of the poem that makes it colorful and interesting. It makes the poem livelier and it pushes the reader to use his or her imagination. In the poem, visual, auditory and tactile are commonly found. Lines like loves someone else, on this chilly night, and I shal l be his dream are visual imageries found in the text. The phrase loves someone else is considered as visual because it make you wonder who this woman really is and how she looks like. Next is the line on this chilly night which is very visual because you can conceive a night with a cold atmosphere.Lastly, the words I shall be his dream which is visual because when you dream you see things and pictures popping on your mind and you see the involvement of imagination. Auditory imagery are also found in the line he says he is a man, and a man needs a woman. And I disagree, we argue until he grows tired of lecture, and I sigh because there is an involvement of sounds. For interpreter when we argue, we speak and speaking involves producing sound which is considered as auditory. Same as the poem, if we were about to imagine it, there is an involvement of sound.Tactile sensation or imagery on the other hand is the involvement of touch. For instance the sentence, He is tapping your seatm ate. is a tactile imagery. There is an interaction that takes place. In the lines who sleeps on my lap, and sleeps on my lap, and but still sleeps gently on my lap, you can see or imagine the interaction between the two individuals and there is a sensational touch involved. Sleeping on the lap of a person is thoroughly considered as tactile sensation. (references http//www. wisegeek. com/what-is-assonance. htm http//www. wisegeek. com/what-is-consonance.htm http//voices. yahoo. com/the-imagery-poetry-1036321. html) Every poem consists different qualities of figures of livery. each(prenominal) of them has its unique way of reservation the poem interesting and attractive. The point of figures of quarrel in poetry is to give vividness or heighten the beauty of its style. Commonly words are employed in a nonliteral sense for special effects. In order for a poem to sound elegant certain figures of speech are applied like metaphor, hyperbole, synecdoche, simile, apostrophe, Chiasmus, Antithesis, Anaphora, alliteration, Ellipsis, irony and etcetera.These figures of speech convey meanings or certain messages that are obfuscated in the language so that the reader can interpret multiple meanings from the verse. As for the poem He who sleeps on my lap, many types of figures of speech are used to make the poem vivid, elegant, attractive, interesting and well-favoured and these are the following alliteration, anaphora, caesura, ambiguity, and enjambment. As you can see in the line My friend who sleeps on my lap loves someone else, the repetition of the word my is an anaphora.Moreover, in the line He says he is a man and a man needs a woman and I disagree, theres also a repetition of the words he and a man, making it an anaphora. Anaphora is the repetition of the same word or phrase. Another figure of speech is ambiguity which is a word, statement, or side with two or more possible meanings. For example, the lines found in the poem such as he who sleeps on my lap may give two or more meanings depending on the point of view of the reader. Caesura is also found in the poem.It is the rhythmic break or pause in the flow of sound which is commonly introduced in about the middle of a line of verse, but may be varied for different effects. Usually placed between syllables rhythmically connected in order to aid the recital as well as to convey the meaning more clearly, it is a pause dictated by the sense of the content or by natural speech patterns, rather than by metrics. It may coincide with conventional punctuation marks, but not necessarily. In the line And I sigh, it pauses and takes a break and the flow of sound stops and resumes.Lastly, a figure of speech which is enjambment is also found in the middle and in the last phrase of the poem. Enjambment is the running-over of a sentence or phrase from one poetic line to the next without storehouse punctuation the opposite of end-stopped. They are found in the phrases that I am here slaughtering one wicked wish that when he wakes up I shall be his dream and we argue until he grows tired of talking and sleeps on my lap on this chilly night. They run-over without pausing and without terminal punctuation.It didnt have punctuation instead it goes on continuously. The rubric, He who sleeps on my lap may seem to have a literal meaning. It could mean that if they have some time alone, they flock together and be in that position as the literal meaning of the championship suggests. But concerning on how the author delivers the poem, the title might mean something else, something deeper. The phrase, Sleeps on my lap could suggest the constrainingness that they are manduction with one another. It may represent the feeling of comfort when they are together.It could also show that there is a bond between them, that they are close enough for the man to be able to sleep in his lap. That is a show of intimacy. The persona wants to talk about his loved one but he doesnt want to specifical ly say the name so he uses the pronoun he. The title is secretive because it does not reveal who exactly is sleeping in his lap. We know it is a man because of the pronoun he but we do not know his exact relationship or how close he is to the writer of the poem. One can assume that usually the one who sleeps on the lap is a woman.So, it is kind of fantastic to find out that it is a man. By the use of the pronoun he, there is already an innuendo that this does not talk about a boy-girl relationship. As we started to analyze the title, it seems as if it implies that a person could be close to you and yet not really know you inside and out. From the outside looking in, it looks like a love story. But when youve read it completely, you will see that it is not just an ordinary love story. People tend to hide their true selves just to assemble societys demand on gender.